Hey guys!
Okay, well I know there are some awesome clocks in the world, and I know some people are like what? who cares? But anything that's usually necessary that has an added flare of awesome is a must have for me. That's where this clock comes in:
Okay, well I know there are some awesome clocks in the world, and I know some people are like what? who cares? But anything that's usually necessary that has an added flare of awesome is a must have for me. That's where this clock comes in:

It looks normal, I know. But I love this! Every time you turn it, a new function is in place.

Some may be interested with better things but I am easily impressed so check this out on the double alright!
But if these aren't cool enough features to impress you, I'll tell you the rest.
1. It's big! Not huge, but the screen is big and easy to see. So this is perfect for children and adults alike
2. It has a reliable alarm
3. it runs on batteries, but doesn't drain them in a week. It's low consumption so you spend 3 bucks on some batteries and forget about it for a year, which leads me to
4. You don't have to reset it very time the power goes off. This is great for storm season, and if you live in tornado alley as I do, high winds wont affect your mighty little clock
5. It's got a back-light that allows you t see it even through the night. BUT the back-light isn't blinding like some LED clocks you can buy elsewhere. It's a very soft, dim light so you can look even if your eyes opened .5 seconds before that
6. The alarm sound isn't obnoxious and deafening. It's an ascending (quiet to loud) noise that'll wake you up without the startle
7. The timer doesn't skip numbers like some I have bought before. It's reliable and I am happy about that!
As well as all of this, it's stylish and comes in green, blue, and white to fit any room.
You've got nothing to lose, what are you waiting for!
Niki X.
Disclaimer: I received this product for review either free or heavily discounted. The review is in my own words, from my own thoughts, and are my own opinions. My review is unbiased and honest.
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