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Not so Colourifique - Colourifique Gel Pens Review

Hey guys!

If you've read my recent reviews, you know I really like gel pens. But sometimes I come across some that I don't even want to review because they weren't worth it to me. OF course, everyone's got their own opinions, but these are mine. Well, recently I got to review Colourifique gel pens. They look like this:
I must admit, I really liked the logo. It's a really pretty watercolor type thing, very much so my style. Loved it! But it's not the logo I was reviewing.

What did I love?

Besides the logo? Nothing. These pens were less quality than some I picked up at a dollar tree before. I don't want to spend the time to re-review this, so I will post my amazon review here:

on July 30, 2016
I have quite a few sets of pens, from cheaper ones than this to more expensive sets, all of which I love. Since price doesn't dictate quality, I had higher hopes for these. Unfortunately, I was let down. Firstly, they bleed and pool like crazy. While I tested them (by drawing lines), I got as much on me as I did on the paper. No thanks. Secondly, they are cheaply made. The pen itself isn't very strong, I have 2 broken ones already and I have only opened/used them once. Also, the pen part where the ink comes through wiggles and can be bothersome if you're doing precision work. Lastly, the ink comes out too much or not enough, and skips frequently. If I were you, I would spend the same amount on a higher quality set of pens. These aren't very good. The color isn't bad, but it's the same colors that are in any set of pens so it's not that worthy of mentioning. There's nothing different or better about these pens than a set you'd get from a set of kids pens.

Disclaimer: I received complimentary for my honest, unbiased review. All opinions are my own.

I was a little upset that even the colors weren't worth mentioning. I mean...I guess these would be good for children who don't have very high standards in their pen choice, but these are advertised as being for adult coloring purposes. I would never take these into any of my coloring books,

What do I hate?

I don't hate anything. It was all just a really big disappointment.

If you really want some that I would prefer, or that I use, look here:
My top favorite: Primocolors
Another alternative to these: Amazing Colors
If you still want these, find them here: Colourifique Pens

Niki X.

Disclaimer: I received this product for review either free or heavily discounted. The review is in my own words, from my own thoughts, and are my own opinions. My review is unbiased and honest.

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Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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