Hey guys!
I know everyone and their mother has heard of Garcinia Cambogia, and if you haven't you can click here to find out. But basically it's said to melt fat and boost, well, weight loss in general. In short: Maybe.
A friend of mine used on for $10, and had no experience of better health but did GAIN 6 pounds with a weeks use. Could it have been water or something? maybe. Do I believe they're all created the same? No. Furthermore, hers was 75% HCA (explained below), and mine was 95%. Though, I don't feel like that little difference should cost her 6 pounds. SO be careful!
Mine looked like this:
I know everyone and their mother has heard of Garcinia Cambogia, and if you haven't you can click here to find out. But basically it's said to melt fat and boost, well, weight loss in general. In short: Maybe.
A friend of mine used on for $10, and had no experience of better health but did GAIN 6 pounds with a weeks use. Could it have been water or something? maybe. Do I believe they're all created the same? No. Furthermore, hers was 75% HCA (explained below), and mine was 95%. Though, I don't feel like that little difference should cost her 6 pounds. SO be careful!
Mine looked like this:

First, I'll explain HCA and it's benefit. HCA, or Hydroxycitric Acid, is an ingredient found in tropical fruits that is hyped to boost metabolism therefore creating weightloss, but was not confirmed to have any effect on weightloss during several clinical studies.
If it has no effect, then why care?
You probably shouldn't. As far as I know, Garcinia Cambogia was created as a ploy to boost sells, then took off from there. Essentially, weight loss you receive from it is because of a mental shift. Also, since you're directed to exercise and eat healthier, those are probably the reasons you might see a change in weight. It's also recommended to drink more water which, just as diet and exercise, will cause a change in weight overtime. Basically, this is for mental strength when you have none (in terms of actual weight loss solely from taking this).
However, there was something I noticed. This pill does offer great appetite control. During my time taking this, I hardly ate or felt the need to eat because I just wasn't hungry. When I did eat, it was a portion of the portion I usually eat. I guess that's a big downsize, Texas sized servings aren't small.
The reason I believe it may be useful is because of the appetite suppressant par. No, I didn't see any weightloss despite low appetite, and almost no real meals, for 2 weeks. I didn't add or reduce anything from my normal diet besides frequency of food intake. I drink at the very least 90 oz. of water a day, too.
Overall, if you're looking for an appetite suppressant, this may help you out. But if you're looking for extreme weightloss and/or a huge change in a short time, I don't think this is for you.
Find it here: Garcinia Cambogia 95% HCA
Niki X.
Disclaimer: I received this product for review either free or heavily discounted. The review is in my own words, from my own thoughts, and are my own opinions. My review is unbiased and honest.
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