Hey guys!
Are you a mind over matter type of person? Well, whether you are or not, these can definitely come in handy for you. These audio clips are pretty interesting.
They're audio clips that you can download to your phone (like above). There are 3 different kinds:
Simply Music,
Alpha, and
(clickable links)
Simply Music: EnLITEned Simply Music is the most incredible recording of its kind anywhere in the world, for not only does it target weight loss it also aims to target the reasons behind any weight gain. Consisting of 1000’s of positive subliminal voice affirmations EnLITEned is designed to help you lose weight, reduce size and shape and help you feel great about yourself permanently. This 56 minute EnLITEned Simply Music version consists of only beautiful ambient music and subliminal affirmations and can be listened to at any time.
Alpha: EnLITEned Alpha Waves is the most incredible recording of its kind anywhere in the world, for not only does it target weight loss it also aims to target the reasons behind any weight gain. Consisting of 1000’s of positive subliminal voice affirmations EnLITEned is designed to help you lose weight, reduce size and shape and help you feel great about yourself permanently. This 56 minute EnLITEned Alpha Waves version consists of beautiful ambient music, alpha wave beats and subliminal affirmations and should NOT be listened to when the listener is driving or needs to remain focused.
Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation and usually when the eyes are closed, when you’re slipping into a lovely daydream or during light meditation. It is an optimal time to program the mind for success and it also heightens your imagination, visualization, memory, learning and concentration. Alpha is the gateway to your subconscious mind and lies at the base of your conscious awareness. Alpha recordings are best suited for people who simply want to meditate or relax.
Delta: EnLITEned Delta Waves is the most incredible recording of its kind anywhere in the world, for not only does it target weight loss it also aims to target the reasons behind any weight gain. Consisting of 1000’s of positive subliminal voice affirmations EnLITEned is designed to help you lose weight, reduce size and shape and help you feel great about yourself permanently. This 56 minute EnLITEned Delta Waves version consists of beautiful ambient music, delta wave beats and subliminal affirmations and should NOT be listened to when the listener is driving or needs to remain focused.
Delta brain waves are the slowest of the frequencies and is experienced in deep, dreamless sleep and in very deep, transcendental meditation where awareness is fully detached. Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind, and the gateway to the universal mind and the collective unconscious, where information received is otherwise unavailable at the conscious level. Delta recordings are best suited for people who want to listen whilst meditating or whilst sleeping.
I took the descriptions and copy/pasted them into the blog so that I don't twist any words around. Plus, who better to describe their service than the company!
Honestly, I don't know if these work or if they are really helping, but I want to give it more time. Test the products with me by going here, picking out your audio, and listening!
The bold words are direct links, so find them there!
Disclaimer for EnLITEned services: EnLITEned Weight Loss is not a diet; you can lose weight on almost any diet, but diets end, and when they do, the weight returns. EnLITEned Weight Loss simply consists of changing the habits and thought patterns that caused you to gain weight in the first place, making these changes permanent, and in doing so, making any reduction in size and shape permanent. You don’t need supplements, specially formulated shakes, surgery, fancy exercise equipment, or any other weight loss product. (You don’t even need to track calories, follow detailed meal plans, or learn complex recipes.) EnLITEned Weight Loss is simply about changing focus at a Subconscious level. Simply slip on a set of headphones, find a space you won’t be disturbed and press PLAY to lose yourself in thousands of positive subliminal affirmations wrapped up in beautiful ambience. Available in three flavors: Simply Music, Alpha Waves and Delta Waves versions these incredible recordings have been painstakingly designed to promote:- Weight Loss – Think Yourself Thin – Control Your Hunger – Stop Comfort Eating – Success Mindset – Increase Metabolism and Increased Health.
Niki X.